In the morning we were given the new brief, Speaking from experience. The brief is about what have we experienced during our first year and produce a resolution to give to the next years first years. In the afternoon we were given five sheets to help build ideas. The five ideas I thought of were;
-Time management (because before Christmas my attendance didn't do me know good and it had to change),
-Opening hours and information within the facilities in LCAD (be useful for phone calls to book ect and also to be aware of what is available),
-Activities in Leeds (because at the start of the course we were bombarded with drink promotions and still are on facebook and flyer's, but hard to find information on other stuff to do in Leeds),
-Forgetting to do something (for example like do CTS blog tonight)
-and keeping organized (due to the structure of the course with different lessons happening each week you need to be well organized to make your life easier).
Tuesday 20
In the morning I was considering which idea to go with as we had to choose which direction to go down by Friday for the progress crits. In the afternoon we had Lorenzo for Type & Grid which was a Presentation on the history and meanings of Type. I took notes which I have put on my blog of the history and meanings of type that are used in industry.
Wednesday 21
Still considering which idea to go with and I drew some thumbnail ideas for each concept to try and work out where I wanted to go with the project.
Thursday 29
After what is a line? project I tried out new ideas and influences that I never had the appropriate opportunity to use before. One being to make a flick book which I was influenced by when I visited Bristol over the Easter period. I made a mock up to see how it would work but the content was weak as it was more the process of making the book. For Speaking from Experience I wanted to continue to develop what I had learnt and produce some sort of humour resolution.
Friday 30
Concept tutorials- I presented a few of my ideas but the one I wanted to go with was to make a series of flick books that the first years could use for excuses when in certain situations however using sayings that the tutors insist on not repeating so they will end up in more trouble. So it would be more of a laugh for the second years rather than the first years but I think they will click onto that the sayings are to get them into trouble and not to be used.
At the weekend I was still considering which idea to use as the tutors were abit concerned about what content to include. So over the weekend I had to choose to do something else, but my other ideas were more serious and instructional rather than humour and for the whole of the first year my resolutions were serious so I thought it would be a nice change to go humorous.
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