Monday, 17 May 2010

Time Management Week Five

Time Management

Week Five

Paul Brandreth

Speaking from experience



-Crit adjust and changes to be made

-Finalise product


-Print and test different stocks


-Do odd sheets for design work

-Get finals printed


-Cut out finals


-Cut out finals if still need to be cut out




-Anything else that I have missed out

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Personal Professional Development Sheet

Personal Professional Development Sheet

Which of these words describe you as an individual?
Informed- Aware of what is happening around me and in the world also I always look at other designers and put on my DC blog for influence. Like to read up on new things I never new about.

Which of these words best describe your approach to life?
Reflective- In life I always think to myself have I had a productive day and if not why to try and learn and develop from my mistakes in life.
Laid Back- Some people will think that I'm laid back because I'm not always sitting in the studio but it because I like to go out and find out new information to use for inspiration rather than sat clicking on a computer.

What do you want to be?
Organized-Always want to be more organized, think it is important to succeeding in the course. Also in general would like to be more organized because I lose alot of my time because of being disorganized.
Decisive-From the last two projects I have been to indecisive and has cost me to much time. If I had to pick one this would be my first choice. 
Punctual-Before Christmas I missed quite a few days but after the last tutorial it has been something that I have been working on, and since Christmas it has only been a few days, big improvement and want to still improve this into the second so it's everyday 100%.

Which of the following qualities do you look for in others?
Creativity-I will always be interesting in seeing new and exciting ideas and resolutions and these people who I would get on the best with as I also enjoy producing creative ideas.

List ten things that you have learned:
1.To present better- talk about work in crits
3.Where to find information around me
4.Illustrator program before used it once and wasn't sure what I was doing
5.Indesign- Same as Illustrator only used once
6.Collecting Research in different methods
7.Be more organized - Folder each subject 
8.Letter Press- Interesting method never used before.
9.Keep on top of blogs- If something I like naturally now I get a screen grab to put on DC blog
10.As soon as I get the brief don't dwell on it get stuck in and start be direct.

List ten things you would like to learn:
1.More decisive
2.What style of resolution to use
3.More information into type
4.Type & Image together-hand-drawn to computer?
5.How to take design and see it through to final
6.An illustration style which can be adopted to short briefs
7.What area of design I would like to go down
8.Talk better in crits-improved this year but got abit to go
9.Use traditional print (use in summer)
10.Estimate time better for working out time management for a project

Which of these words describe your ambitions as a designer?
Creative-I collect the correct content and have good ideas/concepts but when visuals used need to improve or get a few styles I like to adopt to short briefs

What do you want your work to do?
Depends on what brief is set but in general...
Promote-Wouldn't mind abit of advertising, to use creative concepts to promote
Instruct-Alot of my work this year has been instructional.

Which of the following words do you associate with your work?

Which of the following areas have you developed your skills in?
Concept Building
Idea Generation*
Problem Solving*

Which of the following areas do you need to develop your skills in?
Concept Building*
Idea Generation
Problem Solving

Which of the following are you interested in developing skills in?
Interactive Design*
Book Design
Motion graphics
Information Graphics**

Week 4 Planner Time Managment

Magazine layout on Fridays crit

Magazine layout with content on. 
In crit told to consider format- Hot dog fold ...

Week Three Speaking From Experience...

Tuesday 4
No Type and Grid but have imported work done so far so easier to hand in with Indesign work.
Sorting out the places that I want to include. Put into categories of;
-Places to visit-general random places 

Wednesday 5
Collecting and going out to take photographs on my bike baring in mind landscape and portrait images. Only managed to get a few on my list been on the bike all day.

Thursday 6
Went around town to get photographs and information for the content. Letterpress in the afternoon. 
*Collect prints to put on blog*

Friday 7
Crit today and I was first, the boards that I presented were bombarded with information and after I was told it was the worst presentation ever... After being told this I felt it was because it had to much information and it wasn't clear enough and direct of saying what I was doing and producing. Also I was told to consider other method of delivery instead of the magazine is it a hot dog fold ect.

**Note-When Presenting directly say, This is what I'm doing, Because, and the Resolution. Don't use loads of text and use more image**

Overall for the week
Making progression but need to keep working to make deadline, the crit (Worse presentation ever.) annoyed me and wasn't happy at all about it would of preferred, next time be more direct what you're doing, use images. Changed idea over weekend and started to put it together.

Time management sheet for Week three

Week three collect content
Collect content, questionnaire
Type & Grid 
Collect Places
Continue Collection
Crit Take on board notes
Research the weekend 

Time Management Weekly Planner for weeks left

Weekly Planner
-Collect Research
-Develop idea, make sure I have collected correct content
-Finalise development and Produce final
-Take to crit and consider feedback for changes by Friday and get rest of work ready for hand in.


***As I am on the Third week now and haven't started researching or developing my idea I feel I need to bare in mind the time left to still produce a good project.*** 

Week Two Talking From Experience

Monday 26
In the morning we had a Briefing on the PPD presentation that we have to do near the end of the academic year. 
*IMPORTANT NOTE* Start to think about the presentation now as tutors will be able to see it as a weak presentation if left to last week (start to make a few notes now.)
Also there was a presentation about Speaking from experience which included whether the resolution was humour, serious, informative, interactive ect, the tone of how the resolution is delivered. After the presentation I considered to do a humorous idea for the last project of the first year, instead of the flick book idea I considered developing ideas on forgetting to do something. Ie PPD blog updating.

Tuesday 27th
After yesterdays presentation I wanted to create something humorous with the concept of forgetting things in the morning I developed a few ideas one being temporary tattoos for tutors to use to give to the year if they feel someone will forget to do something. These ideas were tattoos for the forehead and chin in the shape of a beard using type as image.
In the afternoon we had Type & Grid, this week Lorenzo continued with notes on measuring type and trying to deconstruct grids in newspaper using one page and comparing it to others in the newspaper to produce what he thought where the grid template was. For next week we need to take in a magazine or newspaper.

Wednesday 28
Had a look at if I could produce temporary tattoos with my own designs on and found that I could ordered that paper from:

Product Description

Super quality and easy to use Inkjet tattoo paper. Express your creative side with fun and exciting tattoos that are non-toxic and wash off easily. Inkjet tattoos adhere directly to skin and dermatologically approved, no glue needed. Also usable as a nail decoration. Sticking on models, candles eggs etc. Simply print an image or text on the special paper and apply! Celebrate Kids' Birthdays, Sports Events, School Festivals and more. They are fun for the entire family. The tattoo is easily removed by washing the skin with soap and water. The paper is suitable for any Inkjet Printer including Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP, Kodak and Lexmark.

**Use Inkjet Printer**        


Spent all day thinking about what idea to do. As the tattoo idea may not be able to last for the whole project.

Thought about producing something serious about the art side in Leeds as I felt that there was a problem that the information is hard to find out about and the is no resolution combining information based on the art culture in Leeds.


Progress tutorials - presented the idea of art culture in Leeds with information I want to collect and where the project will run. The feedback has been uploaded on my blog, it was positive and the group agreed that there was alot of drinking promotions in Leeds but not alot of information about what Leeds art culturte offers.

Overall look at the week..

So far in the two weeks of the project the concept I wanted to go with has changed so many times;

-Flick book idea of excuses for first years to use

-Flick book idea of excuses for first years to use but they are forbidden sayings on the course

-The weekend where I changed my mind because it would annoy the tutors

-Forgetting to do tasks- Tattoos to remember

-Art culture in Leeds

To say I have had two weeks I have been too indecisive with what concept to go with and wish that I would do one idea and have started it by now. This is something I have to take on board for future reference to make my mind up quicker to give me more time to research and develop an idea.

Week One Speaking From Experience

Monday 19
In the morning we were given the new brief, Speaking from experience. The brief is about what have we experienced during our first year and produce a resolution to give to the next years first years. In the afternoon we were given five sheets to help build ideas. The five ideas I thought of were; 
-Time management (because before Christmas my attendance didn't do me know good and it had to change), 
-Opening hours and information within the facilities in LCAD (be useful for phone calls to book ect and also to be aware of what is available), 
-Activities in Leeds (because at the start of the course we were bombarded with drink promotions and still are on facebook and flyer's, but hard to find information on other stuff to do in Leeds), 
-Forgetting to do something (for example like do CTS blog tonight) 
-and keeping organized (due to the structure of the course with different lessons happening each week you need to be well organized to make your life easier). 

Tuesday 20
In the morning I was considering which idea to go with as we had to choose which direction to go down by Friday for the progress crits. In the afternoon we had Lorenzo for Type & Grid which was a Presentation on the history and meanings of Type. I took notes which I have put on my blog of the history and meanings of type that are used in industry.

Wednesday 21
Still considering which idea to go with and I drew some thumbnail ideas for each concept to try and work out where I wanted to go with the project. 

Thursday 29
After what is a line? project I tried out new ideas and influences that I never had the appropriate opportunity to use before. One being to make a flick book which I was influenced by when I visited Bristol over the Easter period. I made a mock up to see how it would work but the content was weak as it was more the process of making the book. For Speaking from Experience I wanted to continue to develop what I had learnt and produce some sort of humour resolution.

Friday 30 
Concept tutorials- I presented a few of my ideas but the one I wanted to go with was to make a series of flick books that the first years could use for excuses when in certain situations however using sayings that the tutors insist on not repeating so they will end up in more trouble. So it would be more of a laugh for the second years rather than the first years but I think they will click onto that the sayings are to get them into trouble and not to be used.

At the weekend I was still considering which idea to use as the tutors were abit concerned about what content to include. So over the weekend I had to choose to do something else, but my other ideas were more serious and instructional rather than humour and for the whole of the first year my resolutions were serious so I thought it would be a nice change to go humorous.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Speaking From Experience Feedback

Random feedback from four people, two people for each sheet.

End of Year Presentation

5 Mins to some up what I have learnt good and bad, things I have enjoyed and which direction I want to move towards next year.

104: Ideas

Time Management
To do in Leeds
Odd Ideas

Time Management What is a line?

A quick time management sheet to plan my week out as a lot was happening over the easter period.

Indesign notes

Notes about how to use Indesign and some tips and common mistakes.

103: Virus-Questionaire

A questionnaire to find out about peoples experiences in Leeds. We were also considering whether to do the try something new brief or how to lie convincingly. 

104: Freds Talk

Notes that I had taken from Freds talk.

103: Virus-Amber & John Feedback

A copy of notes made from the feedback from Amber & John for the partnership brief, virus is a communication.